Friday, May 26, 2006

Fraggle Rock

Who remembers this? Carmencita and I were discussing Fraggle Rock yesterday...and all it's splendor. The names were different in Spanish for her growing up, but we definitely have the same fond memories of those characters! Here it is for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about...or for those of you who want to relive your past :)


  1. Anonymous12:32 AM

    i loved fragile rock. I always wanted a doozer.

  2. fragile rock? what's fragile rock? Are you a sincere lover of Fraggle rock? ;)

  3. Anonymous1:28 PM

    fragile rock was the NWT version of fraggle rock. less-than-stable of characters. yes. i am a sincere lover of fraggle rock. you're gonna have to cut me some slack though.

  4. Ok. slack cut. I hope that the characters of fragile rock will be remembered...i mean being less-than-stable is bad enough...not being remembered when you're in that state, is even worse.
