Monday, July 24, 2006


Hi guys,
So i really wanted to post some pics from this last group that came...along with pics of funny life stuff here...but computers are SO slow, and now Candice has returned home with her computer that I would put my pics here's me saying, I'm trying to help you guys visualize, but it might not happen too soon!

In the meantime, we went to the amusement park yesterday as staff and I had a ton of fun...roller coasters, eating lunch and then flying upside down in some contraption called the "Sky Master" that you hope to God Costa Ricans are maintenancing (if that's even a word), and of course we had to end the day with the teacups...and then headed to the mall to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 2 - sometimes we just have to have a day of fun in order to make it through to the end :)

Our next group comes in 2 days...and we have lost 2 staff members and will lose one more before they arrive (I feel a little like I'm on Survivor right now...who will be kicked off the island next?)

Well, blessings to all!


  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    If it gets too stressful, you might feel more like the winner than the loser, if YOU get 'kicked off' :))
    I know it's not like that, but I had to laugh when I read your comment!
    Look forward to seeing your pics when you get home.

  2. you know. its time now to form an alliance with who ever is left.
