Sunday, October 08, 2006

Ode To Jeremy Vis

(if you're wondering what this is about...check out the previous post's comments, and you'll see why I'm doing this)



Once upon a time, there was a young man named Jeremy Mark Vis, also known by some as Jerami Vice (talk to Sheree Plett about that, I believe). And one day, Jeremy decided that he wanted to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a professional raspberry picker. So, knowing where all good raspberries are grown, Jeremy said goodbye to his parents and sisters, packed his bags, and headed to the Greyhound station. When the clerk asked where he wanted to go, Jeremy enthusiastically shouted, "ONE FOR ABBOTSFORD!". After the clerk got over the shock of being yelled at, he then pondered why one would want to go to Abbotsford. Jeremy beat the clerk to the punch, and announced, "I'm going there to realize my lifelong dream of being a raspberry picker."

The clerk shook his head, gave Jeremy his ticket, and wished him well. When Jeremy got on the bus, he noticed that most of the spots were full. There were three seats available: one next to a knitting grandmother who was talking to herself, one next to a buff 300 pound guy who looked like he had a grudge, and one next to a fairly normal-looking guy who appeared like he might keep to himself. So, Jeremy took the safe route. He introduced himself, having been taught to always be polite, and enthusiastically (but not shouting) shared, "I'm Jeremy Vis, and I'm heading to Abbotsford to fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a professional raspberry picker." The young man, not even batting an eyelash, responded, "Well, hello there Jeremy Vis, my name is Chad Kroeger, and I'm the lead singer of Nickelback."

Now, Jeremy, being interested in music, was quite impressed. He wasn't necessarily a fan of Nickelback, but was intrigued to have met someone "famous" (especially on the Greyhound headed to Abbotsford of all places). Knowing how to play a tune himself, Jeremy and Chad had quite a bit in common, and the trip to Abbotsford went by quickly.

Chad was quite interested in knowing why Jeremy would want to become a raspberry picker when he was such a talented musician, and obviously enjoyed it so much. And so as the two talked, Jeremy began to wonder if raspberry picking was the best use of his talents, and if in fact, he would want to learn more about music and how he could use his gifts. Chad piped up, "You know, Jeremy, I have to say that I think you'd be much better off using this music of yours than picking raspberries...I mean, there's lots of people who can pick raspberries, but not as many who can really sing."

While the thought of this really intrigued Jeremy, he had one problem...he was already on a bus headed to Abbotsford. Chad had a quick answer for this: "Well, Jeremy, I know of a school in Abbotsford that might be a perfect place for you to share your talents. My friend Kathleen goes there, and I'm sure she'd love to answer any questions you have about it...she might even be able to get you registered right away too!" This seemed too perfect to be true, but it was. So Jeremy said goodbye to Chad Kroeger of Nickelback, who offered him backstage passes to any of his concerts, and then headed off to find Columbia Bible College in Abbotsford, to pursue his dream of sharing his musical talents.

And that, my friends, is the true* story of how one Jeremy Vis came to CBC, became friends with me, and how he met Chad Kroeger of Nickelback.

*While the characters and places in this Ode are indeed real, the order of events, and well, authenticity of events, may or may not be a little, um, expounded upon. If you want to read about Jer's true encounter with Chad Kroeger...check out his blog (


  1. Wow, that almost looks like a memorial ode.

    Just wanted to clear up any confusion: I remain alive as of 11:09 am, Monday October 08, 2006.

  2. RIP. Jer Vis. RIP

  3. well, I must say, bravo Kathleen, in your intentions to make Jer Vis feel special, you have made others (who just received a couple blurbs and a picture) feel little...bravo I say, bravo

  4. okay..honestly my dear jerthom. At least I mentioned you on my blog, man...when have you mentioned me, or had a pic or me? You should just feel special ;)

  5. yeah. hey wait a second. i feel very little all of a sudden.

  6. Anonymous8:32 PM

    i don't think you should feel all that've been mentioned and you got a picture...there's always the ones who remain unmentioned, that will now feel even smaller. At least you're bigger than some.

  7. oh gosh...okay people, you cannot place your value on whether or not you were on a blog...I'm starting to wish that I didn't do anything now.

  8. Anonymous11:11 PM

    i'm sorry, i was just playing. there was no seriousness.
    :) I thought the story was great.

    rough few weeks + even rougher weekend = stupid comments.

