Sunday, October 22, 2006

I am NOT a morning person.

As much as I'd like to try...and maybe as much as work would like me to be...I am NOT a morning person. The last two mornings, I have had to be up at 5:45 so that I can be at work at 7...fully functioning, and properly clothed.

Tomorrow...I'm sleeping in. Don't try calling me.


  1. I hope you were able to sleep in! Hopefully you find rest, and are able to enjoy your job despite early mornings. I'm not too fond of them myself! Yet another reason why being an RD was such a great job:)

  2. you know. i was tempted to call you early in the morning. no other reason, just because i was told not to.

  3. The call would go something like this;

    "Hey Kathleen!" (think Matt Street)


    "Hey Kathleen!"


    (Repeat 10x)

    "Call me again and I'll pull your liver out of your nostrils!"

    "But you called me."

    "Who's writing this thing anyway?"

    "I forget."

  4. I start at 6:30 monday to friday...monday's okay, Tuesdays alright, Wednesday I'm tired, Thursday I'm pooped and Friday I just want to sleep...sleep...sleep...sleep...sleep...sorry it's's almost 9:30...haha

  5. jer...where do you work?

  6. My wife the punk.

  7. P.S. I linked you from my blog.
