Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Regalos de las ultimas semanas...

1. The realization that a simple email to a student can mean more to them than I am aware.

2. A brother who uses his points to get Carleigh and I an awesome hotel downtown Vancouver for a night, leading to great food, a fun movie, birthday shopping (i.e. we both got to buy treats for ourselves), and a good time with my sister.

3. A five year old who is greatly concerned to learn I'm an only child, but relieved to learn her parents have agreed to be my siblings. (And all is right in her world again).

4. The random texts. Lana is in the lead as my most regular text-er who checks in with me. Her texts are honest, raw, hilarious, touching, and...random.

5. Robin's facebook profile picture. You have to see it to get it.

6. The fact that I have two weeks left in my current course.

7. A plane ticket to Costa Rica in February.

8. Recitation of Christmas program songs at the dinner table. Jane's got the "Baby Jesus" part down. Charlee can sing most of her song. Bo calls it his prayer. We'll see what happens on the day...and yes, there's no way I'm missing that one.

9. This song on repeat, which helps me focus and write an 8-page paper...which became a 10 page paper...and find the energy to also write this blog post.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I loved your site very much..................
