Wednesday, February 14, 2007

UMA and extremely small electronics.

Well folks, I spent last weekend downtown Vancouver for the 6th UMA event of my life. Basically UMA (Urban Mission Adventure) is a first year requirement for students at CBC. I went along as a "staff" leader (they were low for staff volunteers), and I had a blast. My team was enthusiastic, willing to try things, and overall, I just had a great time. We got to be involved in assisting and learning from a number of different organizations working with the people living in the downtown eastside. Weekends like these always remind me of the bigger picture...the whys of life...and the fact that I am meant to "do" not just to "be" (although just being is very important as well :)) I have most definitely come to the conclusion after this "break" from ministry (working at the Inn and Restaurant) that I cannot be satisfied with working a "day in day out" job for the rest of my life. I need something that has a purpose of seeing people grow, learn and change...I will be highly unhappy in life if all I do is feed people. That's the great thing about the uniqueness and individuality of people - some people are gifted and fulfilled in life by feeding people and setting up a conference center each day. For me, it is not a life-giving job. It is just a job.

Anyways, enough rambling. I put the quote up by Donald Miller the other day because it struck me and I can't stop thinking about the last he wants to keep walking away from the person he was...I want that too! I re-read this quote when I returned from UMA this weekend, and thought, how appropriate! Part of growing and changing for me is going on the UMA try and move past that first page of each chapter.

On a totally different note - here's my new toy, the iPod shuffle...possibly the smallest thing I've ever owned that can do stuff. Isn't it amazingly small?


  1. I have a Shuffle too but I've come to hugely regret it. I despise that you can't see which song is playing and you can't select which song you want, so often you'll scroll through 30 or more songs just to hear one you want. I'm going to trade up for a Nano.

  2. I jumped on the i-world ship and bought a Nano... which I love more than most things I debate over buying... aside from storing more songs than I'll ever have time, let alone battery power to listen to it comes with games. My new favourite past-time is playing Parachute... it's a good break from my jam-packed-UMA-type-experience way of life for the time being...
    and in the words of Kip Dynamite... "I love technology"

  3. That's so great you got to help out with UMA...a bright spot in the midst of "9-5 work" (not that you're working 9-5, but you know what I mean!)

    I too have taken the iPod plunge (this coming from a girl who never even bought a walkman or discman), but my Mom was in charge of selecting one for me and went straight for the iPod Video...which has more storage space than I can ever imagine using...but nonetheless, it's awesome!!!

  4. I am hoo hoo...frowny face...*tears*...actually the only real reason I'm podless is because I know I would buy it cause it's cool, but really would never use it...unless I got a car adapter and used it in my bing bing...I need to get one...oh wait...still not job, no money...but someday...anyways have fun, glad you got to UMA it!!
