Sunday, February 18, 2007

chai tea and pyramids

Well...tonight was another interesting night for me in my little life. Kelly and I were invited by our landlords to come upstairs and join them for some "indian tea" and to chat about opportunities to make more money. Hence the following two pictures:

We went excited to hang out with our landlords (first time really since they bought the house in november), but a little apprehensive about this business "proposition". You see, they are involved with e-commerce, and are working their way to wealth...and tonight, we were invited along for the ride. So here's my question - if I sign on, will you all follow? ;)

Needless to say, Kelly and I had fun, and enjoyed our time together...and now have to decide if our futures are destined to be as e-commerce partners. Sometimes I look at life, and just laugh.


  1. p.s. just wanted to say that we are NOT signing case any of you are worried for us :)

  2. AHHAHAHAHAHA!!! I had a good laugh at the imagery of the pyramids...Those schemes are great...I know a guy who was owed 5 million bucks at one was never paid out cause the government shut them down...anyways...something to think about.

  3. okay. so i totally didn't realize the significance of the whole "pyramid picture" thing, but now, it all makes sense.

    i couldn't figure out if the ecommerce thing had to do with Egypt or something.
