Monday, December 04, 2006

Forced Christmas.

Ok, so some of you reading will be like, "hey, we were just talking about this"...but it's something I wanted to blog, this is a repeat for you:

I've decided that I'm not really in the mood for the "Christmas Season" to start. You see, at work, every room now has a Christmas tree (and has since before my birthday), all the napkins that we fold are red, white or green, and the Christmas tunes are playing. I'm simply not ready.

I was thinking about this today at work, and wondering why I'm so turned off by all the "Christmas" stuff right now...and I think it's simply because I'm not ready for Christmas. I don't mean the part about where we celebrate Jesus' birth, cause honestly, I could do that all year long (and do, various days throughout the year, give thanks that He came, some days repeatedly throughout the day, and other days I should be more thankful)...but I'm not ready to be bombarded by the busy malls, the jingle bells, and the seasonal Christmas movies that are on tv (unless it's Elf, cause I can watch that whenever...and did, in fact last night with my aunt, uncle and cousin!).

When it comes down to it, I think it's really more of my stubborn streak coming out. I'm just not ready, and it's being forced on me.

Don't worry, eventually I'll be just has to be on my own time :)


  1. that's interesting, cause to me it's the exact opposite for the rest of the year. i feel like people steal christmas from me. i want to sing more carols! i want to see pictures everywhere I go of santa claus and nativity scenes! i want there to always be at least one christmas movie playing! at least for you they only force it for a couple months.

  2. dan, maybe you and I should switch roles for a couple of would LOVE walking into work at the Ramada right now :)

  3. Oh, and i also have to say that I was very excited today to see an older man constructing the nativity scene at the Royal Bank fountain today (clearbrook and south fraser way)'ll be up soon!

  4. Anonymous11:00 PM

    It's seems to have started even earlier this year! I think everything should start in Dec. not before, especially not until after your birthday! The only good part of it was that we needed to send off a package to Kyle early so at least there was some selection, but I'm really not ready to start fighting for parking spots yet! :) Over a week ago I went to the mall on Saturday and turned around and came home as I didn't feel like waiting for a parking spot.

  5. That nativity scene by the fountain is sweet. Mostly because Joseph is posing in a certain fashion that is dear to my heart.

  6. Anonymous6:27 PM

    i love the movie Elf,

    "but the children love the books"..

  7. Anonymous9:38 PM

    yeah, i think i have the same problem. that's why i'm so excited about advent this year. intentional waiting. christmas seems more and more marketable, and less and less symbolic and full of meaning. maybe you know what i mean, maybe you don't. i posted an article on a certain blog. maybe i'll email you the link.
