Monday, February 14, 2011

How we can stop "V-Day" from becoming "D-Day"...

Today I felt much love from students, from friends, from my family and my "family".

The day started with a card Carleigh handed to me this morning: Gary made everyone in our house valentines cards, complete with a ziploc bag filled with a handful of peanut m and m's. I even got a fruit roll-up in my ziploc (that brought me back circa 1992). I'm thankful for this brother of mine.

Throughout the day, I was blessed with small gifts of cards and chocolate, notes on facebook, special text messages: reminders of love from those God has blessed me with on my journey. I came home after work to dinner with the Davey clan...complete with a good hour of post-dinner play with Charlee and Bodhi, acting as my "doctors" fixing every remedy from my "broken leg" to some sort of ear, nose and throat infection (I'm assuming, seeing as they tried to stick everything they could into my ears, nose and mouth). They assured me all is well, except for a mild temperature of 300 (according to Charlee).

It was a good day.

And while it was filled with generous acts and kind words, I recognize I am blessed with love all days of the week, not just today.
I am often reminded (when my eyes are open to it) that love is not found alone in romantic relationship. While we who are without this ever-desired relationship will long for it, we are also in danger of finding it...and not appreciating it. As I walk through life at this moment as a single, I must learn to find contentment here, now, today. My attitude and my perspective will not magically change once I find this type of love.

So, if you are one of the fortunate in one of these relationships, I hope you appreciate it.
I hope you are quick to forgive, slow to speak, long to listen, oft to tell that person you love them.
But I also hope you do not limit these actions only to the one to whom you are committed, for I truly believe the Beatles were heading in the right direction when they told us "all the world needs is love".

I know it's really all I need.

Thank you to those who share the love with me.

May I ever seek to share it with you.

1 comment:

  1. I love you. And I love reading your blog. Let's hang out more.
