Sunday, September 13, 2009

Being busy...

Why is it that every time my life gets incredibly busy, I decide that I HAVE to rearrange my room? I know that I've had this tendency since I was young to rearrange my room every few months. And not just "switch the desk with the dresser"...but literally move every single item. Nothing stays in the same place as it was.

Well, two nights ago, I came home from a long two days of work. I had joined our fourth year Intercultural Studies students on an overnighter, during which I had had to run back to the college to teach a Service Practicum class. That night, I was exhausted...but suddenly on my mind, I HAD to rearrange my room. And not tomorrow, or the next day, but right that moment!

So...Carleigh put her kids to bed and came downstairs and helped me with my task. She even took on the task of folding my clothes and organizing my closet. While we worked on my room, I mused over why I suddenly had this overwhelming notion that the room had to change. My conclusions? When life is busy, when work is chaos, I think I need to know that I have some control...somewhere. My room is one of those places where I can maintain control (for the most part).

So it all really comes back to being a control-freak...


  1. Happy rearranging from one control freak to another! By the way, I love the new picture.

  2. Ah, Kathleen. I'm the same. I can't tell you how much Dave just LOVES this when I need to organize our house late at night.

    think of you often and your UMA adventures.

  3. I used to rearrange my room all the time.
    Hope school is going well!

  4. Oh Kathleen...I miss you! :)
