Let me share with you, in picture form, the stories from this last week.
To begin with, Nate tried to kill Chad...but Chad was okay with it...
The Canadian staff came together, dressed like Costa Ricans...to prove that we love all cultures.
Missy and I considered changing professions as Costa Rican dancing ladies...but then changed our minds.
Dan and Stephen tried to join Nate's gang...but we converted them.
And then, getting past all of that, we headed into Barva to do outreach with the team. A large part of my outreach experience - and highlight - was working at a centre for youth with disabilities. This centre is an extension of the church's ministries. Here I am with my new friend Cindy, who is one of the reason's that the centre started. Her mom, Ligia, is the one that felt led to provide a place for people like her daughter to go and spend time together with people who just want to love them. I was privileged to join a few youth from the team and spend the mornings at this centre, singing songs, sharing Bible stories, making crafts, and playing with bubbles and sidewalk chalk.
Well that's all I have for now...when I get more pics from my fellow team members, I will add more for your enjoyment. Also, in a few days, I should have some great pics of fun staff times to come...and perhaps some teary good-byes. We shall see... :)
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