Friday, March 21, 2008

baby mania.

Tonight marks baby shower #2 of the week, in addition to a coffee date which was partially spent planning yet another baby shower.

I feel like I blinked, and everyone got pregnant.


  1. Umm...Kathleen. I hate to tell you this but that's not how people get pregnant...

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Hey! Blink away....I'm not getting pregnant!!!

    I loved reading your UMA stories; thanks for sharing what you're doing.

    Just to encourage you, Jeremy is praying for missionaries this week as part of his AWANA program. He had to list three missionaries and you were at the top of his list. I'll share some of the stories from your blog with him today.

  3. Kathleen!!! Did you blink again?? Read nater's blog!!

  4. Well... I'm not pregnant. Please do not blink for me. Yet.

  5. Hi wendy! Just let me know when... :)
