Sunday, November 12, 2006

To Beta or Not...

Hey Bloggers...question for you - has anyone switched over to Beta version of Blogger? Do you suggest it?


  1. Anonymous6:03 PM

    its preety OK :)

  2. Anonymous1:39 PM

    i have.

    i can't really tell the difference. apparently there are some new features... one of which is that it will pretend that you can't comment on other blogs unless that blogger is using the new beta version, but then once you log in you can comment like normal. eventually you'll have no choice but to switch anyway, but meanwhile i dont see the point...?

  3. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I have no idea - I'm not hip on any of this stuff - never heard of BLOG until you! (-: I just wanted to take advantage of leaving you a comment. Hi, it's Carla and, no, I don't even have a BLOG name - the youth group (remember them?) call me Clarence. Did you hear that Nate and Denise are considering going to work at Pura Vida Missions with DeLynn? Part of me is mad at DeLynn for asking them to leave us, but the other part knows it's a wonderful thing! Almost done with my radiation treatments - how's your aunt doing?

  4. Hi Carla! I think you're fantastic...glad to hear that radiation is done for aunt just had surgery and I think the latest is that they're looking at a bit of radiation. Why "Clarence"? Say Hi to all for me in New York :)
    Yes, I heard about Nate and Denise...they're great, and I think Nate would do an amazing job...but I can also understand not wanting to give them up there too!! :)
    I will write you a nice long email soon!
