Sunday, February 15, 2009


"The re-consecration of desecrated places" is one of Webster's definitions of reconciliation. As followers of Christ, we are called to the ministry of reconciliation. When I look at this definition, I am immediately excited and overwhelmed in the same breath. Is not our entire earth "desecrated"? Are not each one of us "desecrated"? Then I am reminded...I am not taking the lead on this. It is not my power, my might, my strength that brings this about. I am merely tapping into that groundwork which has already been laid: Christ's sacrifice.

Yesterday, while many men scurried around the city looking for last minute flowers and chocolate, I, along with about 400 others, said good bye to one great man. Together we celebrated the life of George Schmidt. And I miss him.

This last year, we also said good bye to another great man, John Schmidt. Cancer claimed both of their lives. No, let me restate that. Jesus claimed their lives...cancer ended them. John, whose role in "pastoral care" at CBC, continued to write me emails of encouragement, even in his retirement. These emails always came at the most important times. George, who, in one of his last acts as "Dean of Students" at CBC, hired me as a Residence Director 5 years ago, and convinced me that I was able, even when I didn't think I was. He was so determined to see me take the job that he offered me a solution to do both RD and ministry in Costa Rica. I pursued that model for 4 years.


While we grieve, these men are reconciled in the fullest sense. They live with God. Step in step. Full sight. Today I rejoice that I knew these two men...and that they took the time to invest in me.


  1. Beautiful tributes, Hon...enjoyed reading them!

  2. Jesus claimed them! Hallelujah. Thanks for putting things back into perspective. "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith!"
