Saturday, June 16, 2007

It's Saturday!

I promised last week, when I was writing here about the upcoming week, that I would post on Saturday about God's faithfulness.

Here's that post.

We made it! A whole week went by with DeLynn not here, with a huge list of to-do's, and with a multi-lingual staff that I had to keep busy, and God kept me sane, allowed me to understand Marvin even when he was speaking a million miles a minute in Spanish, and provided all that I needed. (p.s. I could not have gotten through this week without Marvin. He is a miracle worker.)

You know why I love coming down to Costa Rica every year? Because I learn what it means to depend on God. Because every year, I am put in a position (usually one that DeLynn picks for me), that feels uncomfortable. It usually means more responsibility, and having to keep a multi-lingual staff busy and happy, all while accomplishing tasks that I "mostly" understand. That is a lot harder than what I have done before. A lot different than previous jobs and ministries I have been in charge of. And so...I depend on my Creator, and grow closer to Him.

This is the question: How do I bring this sort of close relationship, this relationship in which I depend on God, back home with me? Amazing how, the minute you get home, you fall back into the mundane, the every day ways, the schedule. I think part of why I come to Costa Rica every year is to get away from remember what life is really about and why we are here.

It's Saturday. Praise the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathleen,
    It's your ol' second cousin, no - 1st cousin once removed...whatever. We are cousins in any case:)

    I've been wanting to get a look at your blog for some time now, and so here I am. I'm so thrill about your missions to Costa Rica. I have a friend who lived there for years and now I'm kicking myself for not visiting him!!!

    If you have a facebook account, I will go there and write more - about your younger cousins. Or click the link to my blog and send me your email address.
    Love in Christ, Theresa (AKA Lois:)
