Friday, June 16, 2006

Apple Pie and Poas

Ok, so the story of the Apple Pie: Here I am, holding the world's most beautiful apple pie (And i'm not exagerrating...well, maybe a tad)
And here is what the world's most beautiful pie looked like after a little too much time in the oven...but Minor didn't care, and ate it all for himself anyways (ok, he shared some with us, but wouldn't let any other extended family members at it...and they lived next door!)

Here is Volcan Poas, nice and clear for all to see!
And here is part of my extended Tico family from l to r :Fran (uncle), Melissa (cousin - daughter of Fran and Chio), Carina (mom), Minor (dad), me, and Rosio (or Chio, aunt, married to Fran)
Now you can say that you've seen Volcan Poas...and the world's most beauiful apple pie to boot ;)


  1. Mmmm, pie! When are you gonna come to Mexico and make ME some pie?!! Just kidding...although I'd love it if you'd come to Mexico and visit! Even without the pie!

  2. Hey...actually...I think I might! I'll send you an email :) How are things going? Miss you lots!

  3. For real?!!! Don't get me too excited here! Look forward to your email...I'll try and write too.

  4. Anonymous6:44 PM

    New title for your blog:
    What I'm up to now...Not updating my blog.

    or how about:

    Someone Told Me I should Update My Blog.


  5. Sorry..."anonymous"...but "someone" hasn't been emailing me...and "someone" doesn't have dial-up internet that doesn't work all the time....and "someone" should be thankful that I wrote a four page email yesterday :)

  6. Anonymous1:01 PM

    you're forgiven...but "someone" has been emailing you, perhaps just not as often as done in the past. and "someone" is very thankful for the amazing four page email. "someone" got the email after "anonymous" made the comment. "Someone" is sorry for the lack of emails, and will improve.

