I forgot.
I forgot how crazy it is to work in Student Development...
...the week before the student leaders return.
5 years ago, I lived and worked in the dorms.
I loved the fact that I got to be with college students 24/7 while they went through some of the most transformational years of their lives.
I didn't love the fact that they would randomly knock on my door at 1am, and then ask me why I was in bed already.
I haven't fully disclosed on this blog that my new job is "Associate Dean of Students".
It's a fancy title which means...I work with students.
And I don't live with them.
I try and make sure their college experience is everything they ever imagined...
...and then I try and keep them in line when they go a little overboard.
I essentially work to remind them of what their parents taught them.
(Because, yes, college students forget. It's a kind of temporary insanity.)
And I try to love them through anywhere from one to four years of studies...the best I can.
For those of you who haven't experienced the college world, let me tell you, the week before student leaders return...even though you know it's been coming, is a little bit of a panic-stricken week for the staff.
Without further ado, I give you:
"Classic tell-tale signs you work in Student Development and it's the week before Student Leadership Training! (2011 Edition)"
"Classic tell-tale signs you work in Student Development and it's the week before Student Leadership Training! (2011 Edition)"
- You have the largest stack of profiles on your desk waiting to be reviewed.
As you read through them, you acknowledge your unrealistic dream of surprising each student by calling them out by name, before they even introduce themselves to you:
"Ah, Johnny! It's so good to meet you...how about that summer you went to camp? That really changed your life, huh?"
...Johnny is now silently stunned and a little bit scared of you.
He inwardly worries.
If you already know this much about him on day 1, he wonders if you'll somehow just "know" every time he breaks a rule. And that will always silently haunt him.
Mission accomplished.
- While you've been inwardly brainstorming about leadership training sessions, you find yourself realizing you've written nothing down.
And now in your sleep you have those nightmares where the students have all arrived and are just staring at you, waiting for you to talk...about anything really...and you don't know what you're supposed to say...because you didn't write it down.
These nightmares are enough to scare you spitless and make you write stuff down.
(Mission accomplished.)
- Students are emailing you, facebooking you, texting you (but rarely calling you on the phone, because they don't do that anymore...my sincere apologies to Alexander Graham Bell)
all with the same message:
"Is it too late or can I apply to be a student leader?"
While something inside you wants to be black-and-white and remind Suzy that she's known about this position for at least the last seven months, you are gracious...because
(a) your leadership team would benefit from adding one more,
(b) you think Suzy would actually rock it, and
(c) sometimes this is the way God works, and if you're too black and white about things, you can miss out on some pretty cool stuff God sends your way.
And so you give yourself the pep talk...again:
Working with people is messy.
That's what makes it beautiful.
And that's how we make room for God to work.
Trust Him.
Love them.
And remind them to give others a chance the same way you took a chance on them.
- When you look at your clock at 5pm...5:15pm...5:30pm...and then simultaneously look at the office across from you, you find comfort in knowing you and your teammates are all in it for the long haul.
You may be the last people to leave the building for the day, but you're doing it as a team.
(Or, like some team members today...you may leave...but you'll return an hour later with supper in hand to keep going until you're satisfied the student leaders can show up and you won't scream:
WHAT!?! You CAN'T be here already, you just CAN'T!).
- And in the midst of all this busy-crazy-long-hours-too-many-coffees-the-occassional-red-bull-and-sugar-of-some-sort-combo-along-with-photocopier-malfunctions-and-keypad-codes-that-don't-work-...phew...-chaos you find yourself smiling every now and then, because you know that in just a few days, a new year begins.
And that new year, folks, holds anticipation for hope, restoration, learning that changes a life, a lot of laughs, some tears, and a whole new set of friendships.
So...I may have forgot.
But I can't wait to remember.