Saturday, August 30, 2008

New blog address

Hey folks - changed the blog address to - please change your link if you have one on your blog!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The last days in Costa Rica, and the first days back home...

Is it true that I've been back in Canada almost a week already?! Well, I've finally got the internet connection and the time to spend properly on this blog.

Here we go...

So the last night we all spent together was done right - 5 stars! We stayed at a beautiful hotel called "La Condesa" which means "The Countess" - it was her summer home, back in the 1600s, and what a beautiful sight it is. Also a great place to take pictures!
I greatly appreciate DeLynn and Gloria, the Directors of PVM. They have blessed and challenged me throughout the years, and aided my growth!
My last day in Costa Rica, I got to do something I've never done before...attend a real live Costa Rican soccer game! We had a blast.
Here we're eating frozen jello...a great treat in the sun for only 70 cents.Jeremy and Missy demonstrate the team rivalry. Jeremy is dressed in La Liga colours, while Missy sports the Heredia jersey. La Liga won 3-1.
What good times. What great friends made. I always am shocked at the depth of friendship that one can attain in only 7 weeks. To think that many of us were strangers at the beginning is such an odd thought now, after all that we walked through together. I am blessed.
I have to admit that at the end, I was ready to come home. I was missing people...especially a couple of little ones that are rapidly growing here. Thankfully I was able to come home in time for Charlee's 2nd birthday party, with a fun pixie/fairy theme. Here's the little pixie herself.
And here's the crew of troublemakers...
Here Sophie makes her escape...

Another fun event was today's triathalon! Gary competed in his first race...and did great! Here he is at the very beginning...ready to go!

Charlee and I cheer him on...well, we try.

And he finishes!

Here's one of my favourite families. It is a blessing to come home and feel that I truly am at home with the Daveys. Getting lots of kisses and hugs (and hair-pullings) from Charlee and Bodhi are a huge benefit of living with little kids.

Well, that's about it for now! Work starts "officially" on Friday. Otherwise, I'm bumming around for a few days...and enjoying it immensely!

Monday, August 04, 2008

In the airport. On the way home. In disbelief that I left Costa Rica...again.

Today's been a very reflective day. I'm about to board my third flight today...perhaps the length of the day has added to the "reflectiveness" of the day.

I promise that I will comment later on some of these brilliant thoughts that I've been having well as add some more fun pictures from the last couple of days in Costa Rica - the "true end" to the summer for me.

In the meantime...I'm about to board. Sleep tonight will be blissful, I am sure.